Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
How to Read Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Sanborn maps use a shorthand of colors and symbols to represent
a wealth of information. Although many Sanborn maps were hand-drawn
and colored, they all use a standard scheme related in keys found
in every map folio. Though new symbols were added as technology
changed, most symbols remained constant since the founding of the
Sanborn Company in the late 1800s.
Most Sanborn Maps are scaled one inch for 50 feet (1:600) on sheets
21 inches by 25 inches, although many maps are also scaled to 100
feet per inch (1:1200). Surveyors worked first from court documents
and real estate notes, but were encouraged to survey areas themselves
if documentation did not present itself easily. Only built-up parts
of towns were surveyed. Often, Sanborn surveyors ignored sections
of town not of interest to fire insurers, namely poor or predominantly
African-American residential areas. Therefore, Sanborn maps often
do not record an entire city or town.
There are several layers of labeling on Sanborn Maps that apply
to a number of urban features important for insurers.
First, city areas are divided into numerous sheets, which appear
on specific pages as designated by an index map. The image at left
shows a map sheet number.

an example of a map sheet number |
City blocks, numbered as shown on the right, were often assigned
numbers that appear on individual sheets, and which can facilitate
comparison across a series of maps. If block numbering changed from
one map edition to another, numbers in parentheses indicate old
block numbers that have changed from previous map editions.

A city block number, showing an older block number
from previous map editions. Such numbering allowed surveyors to
compare areas of town from survey year to survey year.
Streets are always labeled by name and have block numbers designated
on each side of traffic. Street widths between blocks are also marked.
Under streets, Sanborn maps indicate where and what type of water
and gas manes exist, including those for fire fighting, with their

Notataions indicating utilities.
Buildings on Sanborn Maps have their own elaborate system of symbols
as well. A color code designates the type of material from which
a building was constructed. Green or gray indicates fireproof or
adobe construction, blue a stone or concrete structure, red a brick
structure, gray an iron structure, and yellow a wood frame structure.
Brick or stone veneers are also noted by colors, and buildings with
mixed construction materials are labeled blue and have notation
as to their materials on the drawing itself.
Building types:
Skylights, windows, fire escapes, the thickness of walls, garages,
elevators, sprinkler systems, asbestos shingles, and building height
are all commonly noted on building drawings as well.
a fire escape
skylights |
a fire door
Buildings are also labeled as to their function. Civic or prominent
buildings like schools, theatres, churches, businesses and offices
are often named on Sanborn Maps. For those not named outright, the
letter D indicates a dwelling, F a flat, S a store, and A an auto
garage. Often notes like "Apts" for apartments will also appear.
a dwelling
A variety of more specific notations often appear in drawings as
well, most pertaining to facts that would pertain to a buildings
tolerance to fire, as these maps were intended for use by fire insurance
companies first and foremost.